Wednesday, July 27, 2011

She Loved Today.

Today she went in with a smile
and meant it for the first time in a while
She told her mind it wasn’t worth the time it took
to dwell on all the things she mistook
and she was right
for today was the first day she was happy in her life
I wish we’d all go in with the same attitude of a fist held high
at the world and all it’s plight
So soak up the sun
never wish away what’s done
Throw away your burden to that place it needs to go
and keep walking down the road
It’s not worth the tears
We’re only here for a few years
We need to forget the past and focus on the One who’ll meet you ahead
the One who said He wanted you even though it meant death
So spend time with your family- even your brother
Don’t forget to smile to your mother
and always remember to help a stranger
Life’s to quick to waste it hating yourself
or some one else
and life’s too short to wish away your time to play
because look at how happy she is- she decided to love today
~Kaylee Thompson~
I love my life and everyone in it… and I hope everyone loves their life too. <3

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