Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ode to Hatred.

I hate highschool.
I hate love.
I hate, HATE when boys lead me on.
I hate guys that act like they like you then dump you, because you are not cool enough.
I hate being alone all day.
I hate knowing that I am the direct cause that put myself in this situation.
I hate that I can’t fix this.
I hate wanting to go somewhere far away, but knowing that once I leave I won’t have anyone to come back to if everything blows up in my face.
I hate when you meet someone you think could be a very dear friend to you, but then leave you and never look back, because they found someone better.
I hate being second best.
I hate being one person around certain people then being another person around someone else. I want to be just me all the time.
I hate OCD.
I hate all my insecurities.
I hate sitting by myself.
I hate staring at the wall for hours just thinking.
I hate that I want to make a difference, but I haven’t yet.
I hate that I look nothing like the people on the TV screen.
But I love you.
And I love that God loves me spite all the people and ideas I can never live up to.

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