Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Art of Procrastination.

Well, this summer was suppose to be "the summer I got things done"... But it's near the end of July, and I've sadly only read a couple of books (none of which were the ones I need to read for school next year) and have not completed writing any of my books.
Oh, have I mentioned yet that I write books? ... I guess not. Well, I do, and my stupid procrastination and work schedule is killing my creativity. D:
Anyways, I am very disappointed with myself. I really wanted to finish writing, and had a whole list of books I wanted to read.
I guess I have four or so weeks to get some of what I want done before my life gets really busy again....
 It takes so much time to do anything. It's almost depressing.. I mean, by the time you get off work and run the necessary errands of the day, you only have an hour or two of down time. I wish it was possible to have one whole day to myself to just do things I wanted to do.. I guess that's selfish.. though it would still be nice.

That's what is on my mind for the moment.
So goodbye for now- the mind will be up and blogging again after I spend some time with my books.

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