Wednesday, July 27, 2011


It amazing how every year has been completely different for me.. And honestly I wouldn’t have it any other way. I like the change- the new adventures. I’ve learned so much, and I like the person God’s molding me in to…  So now that I look back on this year and see the giant leap I took, I can’t help but smile. I thank God that he gave me the legs to make that leap.. I hope I continue to grow.. even if I don’t take quite as big steps next year.
 I just don’t think it’s good for anyone to stay in one spot or one thing too long. It’s not healthy to lock yourself into one thing and prevent yourself from growing. We need to broaden our horizons and experience new things- even if it’s scary. ALL new things are scary, but NOT all new things are bad… So why cheat yourself of life by sitting on the side lines just because your scared to jump into something new?
Don’t be scared to jump into the great vast unknown. It’s what you’re suppose to do. There’s more to the world besides Hendersonville North Carolina… So just take a hold of God’s hand, close your eyes and jump. He will guide your dive in the right pool. Don’t be scared of change.. You know, the good kind.
(And yes, there are some things you shouldn't change into. Use your brain. You should know by now what’s right and wrong.)   

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