Friday, June 1, 2012

Romans 14 conviction.

Dear God,
Thank you for laying Romans 14 on my hear this past week.
You are trying to teach me peace. I see it. I feel it. And I am trying so hard to understand it.
I have got to gain a peace of mind, a peace of heart and be able to show that peace towards others.
I am one of the most stubborn fighters in this world. So kill my stubbornness. Kill my fight. Build me up with your peace. Don't let me be a stumbling block any more, Jesus. Let me be a person who "builds up." Let me be a helper and a lover of men. Teach me to "fish" the way you did and continue to do. Help me to STOP growing into a pharisee and instead water my roots with your everlasting water and grow me into a peace maker.. There are too many legalistic people in this world and I am one of the WORST.
I am in the wrong.
I am a vile sinner.
Break my heart.
Unharden my soul.
Soften me to love.
Teach me love, joy, peace, patience,
God, I can't do this alone. I need your help.

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